July 19, 2004

Work Tip #957

If you're working on the VP of Operation's new laptop and you happen to ride the elevator with him, it's probably best if you don't say the following:

"I'll have everything installed on your new laptop by this afternoon. (2 second pause) I can't guarantee any of it will work, but at least it'll be installed."


You always give me a great laugh that always makes my day go just a bit nicer!

Posted at July 19, 2004 06:02 PM

Note to self, never have coffee in hand while reading "Work Tips".

Excuse me while I clean off my keyboard...

Posted at July 20, 2004 06:32 AM

Tawny: Thank you. That is very nice.

Wicked H: If the keys get sticky, I have a remedy to clean. Spilled Coke in my laptop.

Posted at July 20, 2004 10:49 AM